The RHEAS databaseΒΆ

The back-end of RHEAS is a PostGIS database (a spatially-enabled PostgreSQL database) that stores the necessary data to run RHEAS including model parameters, meteorological data (both forecasts and nowcasts), and remote sensing as well as in-situ observations.

The VIC and DSSAT model parameters are contained under the vic and dssat schemas. Depending on the requested spatial resolution for the models, appropriate model parameters and corresponding files are chosen. Tables in the vic schema include soils which contains the soil parameters, and input which contains the necessary files to run the VIC model. Each record in the input table should contain the following columns:

  • resolution: model spatial resolution
  • snowbandfile: VIC elevation band file
  • vegparam: VIC vegetation parameter file
  • veglib: VIC vegetation library file
  • soilfile: VIC soil parameter file
  • rootzones: number of root zones
  • basefile: DSSAT input file template

The requirements for running DSSAT also include the type of cultivar(s), planting start dates and soil properties which have been ingested in the database from various sources. Soil properties and cultivar information are stored as vector tables (soils and cultivar respectively), while planting start dates are stored as raster maps with the type of crop as an additional column in the crops table.

Multiple remote sensing datasets can be ingested into the database and are available either to be used as input (i.e. precipitation, temperature, wind speed) or assimilated (i.e. soil moisture, water storage, LAI, evapotranspiration). The following table summarizes the available datasets, their characteristics and the database schema/table they will be installed in.

Variable Dataset Time Coverage Temporal Resolution Spatial Resolution Spatial Coverage Table Mode
Precipitation CHIRPS 1981- Daily 5km Africa precip.chirps IN
Precipitation TRMM 1998- Daily ~25km Global precip.trmm IN
Precipitation RFE2 2001- Daily ~1km Africa precip.rfe2 IN
Precipitation CMORPH 1998- Daily ~25km Global precip.cmorph IN
Meteorology NCEP 1981- Daily ~180km Global *.ncep IN
Soil moisture AMSR-E 2002-2011 Daily ~25km Global soilm.amsre AS
Soil moisture SMOS 2009- Daily ~40km Global soilm.smos AS
Soil moisture SMAP 2015- 3/1 days 3/9km Global soilm.smap AS
Evapotranspiration MOD16 2000- 8 days 1km Global evap.modis AS
Water storage GRACE 2002- Monthly ~150km Global tws.grace AS
Leaf Area Index MCD15 2002- 8 days 1km Global lai.modis AS
Meteorology IRI 2000- Monthly ~250km Global *.iri FC

There are three modes for the datasets: IN corresponds to datasets being used as inputs to the model, AS refers to datasets being assimilated, and FC are datasets that are used to provide the meteorological (i.e. precipitation, temperature, and in some cases wind speed) forecasts.